Liposuction is a form of cosmetic procedure that many people go through if they want to get rid of fat without having to do an intense workout or diet. It is normally done by a plastic surgeon or a dermatologic surgeon and is targeted on your thighs, hips, buttocks, face, or belly.  Rasvaimu or liposuction could also be paired with other types of plastic surgeries like facelifts and breast reductions.


Before getting a liposuction, be sure that you know what you’re getting into. Liposuction will not take away any cellulite, so don’t expect to have young and tight skin immediately after the procedure.

Since this is a surgical procedure, you must be in good health to avoid further risk. You must be at least 30% close to your ideal weight, your skin must be firm and elastic, and you must not smoke. Liposuctions are also not recommended for people with weak immune systems, heart problems, or diabetes.

What to do and expect

The first thing you should do is consult your surgeon. Let the doctor know your goals and listen to all the risks, benefits, and other options available. Inform them about your doubts.

If you plan to push through with the operation, you will be informed by your surgeon about the things you must do to prepare for it. This would include alcohol and diet restrictions.

You must inform your surgeon about the medications you are currently taking and the allergies you have. They might recommend you to stop taking some of your meds and supplements weeks before the operation.

Types of Liposuction

A liposuction procedure commonly uses a cannula, which is a thin tube connected to a suction that removes fat. Common types of liposuction include:

  • Tumescent liposuction – In this method, a sterile solution is injected into the part where fat must be removed. Using a solution makes fat easier to suction with less pain and blood loss.
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) – This uses energy from sound waves to target the fats’ cell walls. It turns the fat to liquid so that it can be suctioned.
  • Laser assisted liposuction (Smartlipo) – A laser is used to send energy that liquifies the fat for suction.

Recovery Period

The length of recovery depends on the kind of surgery you had. Do expect some swelling, soreness, and bruising for a few weeks. You might be advised to put on a compression garment for up to 2 months to control the swelling, and you might need to take antibiotics to avoid infection. Normally, people can go back to work after a few days and do normal activities after 2 weeks.

Is Liposuction Safe?

Yes. This procedure is safe as long as it is done by a well-trained surgeon or physician. Since this is a surgery, there are some risks involved such as infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. But you won’t have to worry about any of this if you go to a certified plastic surgeon that went through all the necessary training, such as the ones from THE HEALTH CLINIC .

Are the Results Permanent?

Liposuction permanently gets rid of the targeted fat cells, but weight gain is possible due to the growth of new fat cells in other areas of the body. To maintain your shape after the surgery, you must follow a diet and exercise regularly.

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