Washing machines with front load option has been around for quite some time and people are also realizing the benefits of front load washing machine in comparison with its rival, top load washing machines. Keeping the price relatively higher has certainly some bearing on the market, particularly among Indian buyers, as people are cost driven while buying such expensive appliances for their home. Nevertheless, sizeable number of people have now started appreciating the benefits of front load washing machines.

Let us list out few advantages that such front load washing machine offers to its users. Almost every brand of washing machines including Whirlpool has few number of models in their product range with front end facilities.

  • Both water and energy efficient

As compared to any high end top load washing machines, these front load washing machines have more power as well as they are water efficient. However, it also depends upon which cycle you choose for washing clothes. Usually cycles meant for heavy duty wash can consume more power as well as water but as a general rule you will find that front load washing machines consumes much less water and power.

This is the reason, you will find that front load washing machines are slightly over priced, however you can quickly recover the difference in cost when you will get lower energy bill.

  • Gentler on clothes

As compared to top load washing machines this variety of washing machine does not agitate the clothes too much. Due to tangling, snagging and stretching it will put much lesser damage to clothes. Some of the top load washing machines has completely eliminated the agitator in their model.

  • Reduced the sizes of washing machine

These front load washing machines are much smaller in size as compared to any top load washing machines and hence it will occupy very limited space in your premise. In case there is a space constraint in your home then it can perfectly suit you. However, their reduced dimension will not limit your washing capacity at all. People who are living in apartment where there is usually very limited amount of spaces available, such front load washing machines can be the perfect answer. You can easily hide it under the cabinet of your kitchen or bathroom.

  • Higher spin speed

As compared to top load washing machines, the spin speed of any front load washing machines are higher and hence the clothes that you are washing will get dried up quickly and eventually save your time. Since the clothes will not be for longer time in the drier, it will result in power saving.

  • Lower dosage of detergent

Another very special advantage of such washing machines is that it consumes much lesser amount of detergent and as a result you can achieve cost saving in the amount of detergent for washing your clothes. Using lesser amount of detergent also enhances life of your clothes too.

Due to the above reasons, people have started learning the benefits of using such machines. Also, with many technical developments the price difference between top load washing machine and front end washing machines are narrowing down.

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